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I am Chinmaya Shankar
I write things here.

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All tactics. No fluff. Action takers Only 🚀

Hola! I am Chinmaya Shankar. 

Entrepreneur, building and growing digital businesses. 

I am a Generalist (with some extra love for Product & Growth).

Currently building and growing SuperContent by the day and helping other founders and startups via my experimental micro-venture studio BigDeal Ventures, at night.


* 3x SaaS Founder. 

* Failed in 2, 1 Acqui-hired. 

* Built and sold couple of other businesses (Web hosting, media publications)

*  A classically trained singer and percussion artists with over 500 stage shows.

🔥 Here to learn, share and grow – have nothing to prove. 

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All tactics. No fluff. Action takers Only 🚀